Monthly Archives: September 2011

Almost Famous Turns 11!

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One day . . . you'll be cool

Time Flies! This week marks the 11th birthday of Almost Famous. The movie debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2000, and began it’s North American release on the 13th.

Cameron writes about the film coming together and casting Patrick Fugit in this Rolling Stone cover story. This is also great time to dig into the Production Notes, check out a breakdown of the entire song list in order or view the collection of posters from around the world.

Share your thoughts. Can you believe its been eleven years?! Favorite scene? Which version of the film do you prefer?

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Sep 13, 2011

Pearl Jam Twenty: World Premiere Recap

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That’s right. Pearl Jam Twenty had its world premiere yesterday at 2pm (EST) at the beautiful Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto as part of the  36th annual Toronto International Film Festival. In addition to the 1,500 fans, Cameron, Jeff Ament, Matt Cameron, Boom Gaspar, Stone Gossard, Mike McCready, Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell were in attendance.

The energy and the crowd were tremendous. PJ fans such as Jennifer and Tanya (pictured above) waited in line for 8 hours to get a front row seat. There were bursts of applause throughout and certainly some tears as well. The venue was an absolutely gorgeous place to host the event and the recently installed sound system was stunning. Here’s a few pictures that I took as Cameron and the band arrived.


Over the next few weeks, I will be posting video footage from the press conference with the band and Cameron that was held after the screening. Since the press conference deals with some spoilers from the film, I’d like to wait until many of you have seen the film.


Filed under News
Sep 11, 2011

Pearl Jam Twenty Clip: Come Together

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PBS has debuted a new, exclusive clip of Pearl Jam Twenty. The scene focuses on the band’s formation with comments from all the parties involved. Pearl Jam Twenty has its world premiere tomorrow at the Toronto International Film Festival and then hits theaters beginning September 20th. It will air as part of PBS’s American Masters series on October 21st.

Filed under News
Sep 9, 2011

CC and PJ on Jimmy Fallon: Check out the Clips!

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Cameron Crowe and Pearl Jam were on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon tonight. Cameron discussed Pearl Jam Twenty and Almost Famous and the band will performed a new song, “Ole”. Pearl Jam will be on again tomorrow night to perform as well, so make sure you stay up late or set your DVR for night #2!

Filed under News
Sep 8, 2011

Recap: PJ20 Destination Weekend

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I’m back from the PJ20 Destination Weekend at the Alpine Valley Music Theatre  in East Troy, Wisconsin! While Cameron was unable to attend, I thought you might like to hear a bit about the event. I was able to secure 10 club (as a proud member of Pearl Jam’s fan club) tickets for both nights. The first great surprise was the extra goodies included with all 10 club tickets (PJ2o stickers, an early PJ Live show on CD and a Jeff Ament CD single from his forthcoming solo album).

The first night I was on the lawn and the second night I had pretty good reserved seats on “Stone Gossard’s” side of the stage. Simply put, I thought the shows were amazing. Night #1 was a shorter set (28 songs), but filled with a ton of rare B-sides including “In the Moonlight”, which had never been played before. Highlights for me included the emotional opener “Release”, “In My Tree” plus both Singles tracks “State of Love and Trust” and “Breath”. The 2nd night was a longer set (33 songs) as the band started their show 30 minutes earlier. The crowd emotion was unforgettable, the fans sang along loudly to every song and the band really fed off that energy all night. I’ve never seen the band having more fun and the set list was a great mix of hits (“The Fixer”, “Daughter/It’s OK”, “Alive”, “Even Flow”, “Given to Fly”) and rarities (“All Night”, “Habit”, “Satan’s Bed”, “No Way”). Both nights featured a Temple of the Dog reunion with Chris Cornell. Something I didn’t think that I’d ever see.

Many other PJ hand picked artists were on hand to celebrate and perform. I’m a huge Glen Hansard fan (If you haven’t seen the film Once, please see it immediately) so his sets both days were a huge highlight. Also thought Liam Finn and his sets were fun and energetic. Here’s a few pics I took (including a duet that Glen did with Eddie on the song “Falling Slowly”).


Lastly, I’ll leave you with a video from my highlight of Night #2 (via a fan at the show). An absolutely searing version of “Spin the Black Circle” which shook the 30,000+ fans in attendance. Watch Mike McCready doing circles around the stage for nearly the whole performance. The song was dedicated to the dying breed of independent record stores across the country. As Eddie put it, we need to keep watering them and keeping them alive.

Filed under News
Sep 6, 2011

PJ20 “Daughter” Teaser

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As part of the 20 Days of Pearl Jam Countdown, we are pleased to present an exclusive clip from Pearl Jam Twenty. I’ll let Cameron set it up for you:

“A hint of promise – Stone and Eddie on the tour bus, working out a rough version of what would become “Daughter” (then “Brother”), the germ of which began the night before in the band’s Holiday Inn hotel room.  Thankfully George A. Webb III was there to capture this work-in-progress, a band milestone in the making.”

We hope you like it.

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Sep 4, 2011

PJ20 Destination Weekend

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I’m heading to the PJ20 Music Festival for the weekend in Alpine Valley in East Troy, WI. Maybe I will run into some of you there. Along with Pearl Jam, I can’t wait to see Glen Hansard, Liam Finn and Queens of the Stone Age. There could be some surprises on the site, so please stay tuned over the weekend. I will also have a detailed report on the event along with some pictures upon my return. We wish you all a safe and sunny Labor Day Weekend!


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Sep 2, 2011

Crowe’s Nest: Fast Times Book, IFC Zoo Interview & More!

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The Crowe’s Nest is a feature that collects random tidbits, etc. in one blog post. So let’s get started!

  • First off, glad you all enjoyed the Say Anything… deleted scenes. Don’t forget that we’ve already posted some Jerry Maguire and Singles deleted scenes.
  • The Bookfinder has released their 100 Most Sought After Out of Print in 2011 and the Fast Times at Ridgemont High book is ranked at #16. As we’ve previously discussed, Cameron owns the rights to the book, but has no plans to re-release the book at this time. Keep looking for a copy at your local thrift store, used book store or at a garage sale!
  • Cameron chats with Matt Singer over at IFC. The first interview focuses on We Bought A Zoo, Matt Damon and the holiday release date. Part 2 revolves around the Say Anything… sequel (that we’ve previously covered) and Part 3 highlights Jónsi, the music of Zoo and future film plans.
Filed under News
Sep 1, 2011

David Crosby: Remember My Name-Out Now on DVD/Blu-ray & Digital!

  • Almost Famous- Paramount+, FUBO
  • Aloha- Starz
  • David Crosby- Starz
  • E-Town- MAX, FUBO
  • Jerry Maguire- Apple TV+
  • Say Anything...- Showtime
  • Vanilla Sky- Paramount+,Showtime
  • We Bought A Zoo- Disney+